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Thoughts & Inspiration

With a session or two every day, there was at least one lesson last week everyone needed to learn. A big one was spiritual gifts. People either grew up barely hearing about it or it was over emphasized. Deon is an amazing speaker and had no qualms about tackling that subject and the series of pointed questions after. By the end of that session you could actually see the burdens lifted from the people that felt they weren’t whole unless they had a specific gift and the people who knew very little about spiritual gifts turned to those that had grown up hearing about it for more information. 


Karen Dilbeck lead a session about the Holy Spirit. The part of the trinity that works inside of us every day and yet the least talked about in church. With her thick southern accent and scattered thought process she kept us all on our toes. Her lesson ended with a task. We all (100ish people) stood in a circle and closed our eyes. We asked God a simple question, “Who?” When a person came into our mind we asked a second question. “What?” Once we felt the answer to those two questions we were told to act on it. It was a lesson on listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit. 

During the next several minutes I had 3 people come pray with me or talk to me about something the Lord laid on their heart. Someone I had never met before prayed for healing in my legs. Someone else told me I was unique and creative. I had had a conversation the day before with someone about whether I was more logical or creative minded. The third person prayed I would have strength and realize how loved I was by everyone around me. 

It gets difficult to listen for God’s voice when people are constantly coming up and talking to you but after those prayers and words of encouragement I finally had a quiet moment to myself. I felt God tell me to hug someone. Not just any someone but the person who had prayed I would have strength. Now, y’all know me. I don’t initiate hugs. Ever. You want to talk about something out of my comfort zone, well this was it. It would have been easier to do if it had been a random person rather than someone that had prayed for me and moved on already. I mean, isn’t it a bit awkward to go up to someone who already talked to you and say “I’m supposed to give you a hug” when technically you could have hugged them several minutes ago when you were together? 

Unlike the other two people, I did know the person that had prayed strength over me because they were in my squad. In fact, they were standing right next to me in the circle. I still chickened out and didn’t move to hug them. Then time was up and guilt just washed over me, and so when I had time later I sought them out and apologized and gave them that hug. I don’t like feeling guilty and had no idea how guilty I would feel after not giving someone a hug. I don’t plan on letting it happen again, whether it’s another hug or something else. Fear won’t rule me. 


Close your eyes and think of your favorite place. Jesus is walking towards you. What do you do? How about just start by saying hi. It will instantly put a smile on your face. let Him take you somewhere or sit together and chat. Maybe it’s a companionable silence. Whatever it is, enjoy some time alone with the Lord. At the end of your conversation with Him ask Him “who” and “what”. It will change your life. 


2 responses to “Comments and Thoughts on a few of the Sessions at Training Camp”

  1. Thanks Keith! 1 month and 11ish days until you can see exactly how far I got!

  2. Allie, God was obviously talking to you last week, and you were listening HARD. Your willingness to embrace truth — even when it’s uncomfortable — is going to serve you really well next year. I’m honored to be at your side.