My name is Allie and I am 26 years old. I attend Garden City Church of Christ in Columbus Indiana (hour south of Indy, hour north of Louisville). I spend my Sunday mornings with the sweetest toddlers on the planet and my Wednesday nights with the middle schoolers and high schoolers whom I will miss dearly when I leave. I am currently the catering manager at Chick-Fil-A in charge of taking food to our local factories for lunch.
In 2014 I was in a crazy car accident where I broke my leg, both ankles, my heel, and my foot. 6.5 months to recover and I’ve been able to feel changes in barometric pressure ever since. 8 months later I was in another accident where I rebroke an ankle and chipped the bone of my elbow. It’s like hitting your funny bone, but much worse. I have this weird thing called Raynaud’s Phenomenon that means I can’t ice or heat injuries to reduce swelling because it causes more. It’s tons of fun. It also causes my fingers and toes to change colors; red, white, and blue.
- Asian dramas
- sci-fi fantasy and “historical” fiction books
- sci-fi shows
- crime shows
- love comes softly movie series
- macaroni and cheese
- pasta
- dogs and cats and also rats
- and ferrets
- writing
- finishing a project
- youtube videos
- elephants
- the colors orange and red
- laughing
- musicals
- alone time
- lace
- sad movies
- healthy foods (I’ll be forced to work on that on the race)
- American soap operas
- skunks
- mole holes
- my stiff ankle
- being injured/sick
- true stories (because they’re mostly sad)
- being told what to do instead of asked
Some things I’ve learned about myself, I’m horrible at giving enough details when I ask a specific question. I tend to be on the bossy side, especially if I either didn’t get enough sleep or if I got too much. I state my opinions as facts. I enjoy a good argument and will often times pick the wrong side on purpose. The logic for my arguments sometimes goes astray because It’s fun. If you ask me “what’s up/sup?” I will always reply with either the ceiling or the sky.